
wait, that's a white guy?

alright, so i should say that this isn't a big surprise to anyone. this mayer hawthorne guy, as far as i can tell, is blowing his load all over the place these days. so i'm going to sound as if i missed the boat. and, though that's usually the case, let me explain why i'm putting him in this part of the blog.

i was at a bar a few weeks ago. i hadn't heard this song yet. and then it came over the speakers and i swear i thought that it was a delfonics song that i'd somehow missed my entire life. so i had my friend, who has one of those 'tell me what song this is' programs on his iphone figure it out for me. i saw the name. hadn't heard of the guy. so i got home, dug in my pockets for the collection of little notes and thoughts i invariably write down and collect on napkins each time i'm at a bar, and looked him up. low and behold, he's a white guy. not the delfonics.

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